Professor Dražen Adamović

• Professor of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science University of Zagreb (Department of Physics)

Fields of interest:
• Vertex algebras, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and superalgebras, conformal field theory


• Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2012
• National science award for natural science in 2009

Five selected publications:
• D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Moseneder-Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Finite vs infinite decompositions in conformal embeddings, Communications in Mathematical Physics (2016).
• D. Adamović, R. Lu, K. Zhao, Whittaker modules for the affine Lie algebra A_1 ^{(1)}, Advances in Mathematics 289 (2016) 438-479
• D. Adamović, A. Milas, On the triplet vertex algebra W(p), Advances in Mathematics 217 (2008) 2664-2699
• D. Adamović, Lie superalgebras and irreducibility of A_1^{(1)}– modules at the critical level, Communications in Mathematical Physics 270 (2007) 141-161
• D. Adamović, Rationality of Neveu-Schwarz vertex operator superalgebras, International Mathematics Research Notices (1997), 865-875

The most important grants (as PI)
• 2014-2018 Principal investigator of the project Algebraic and combinatorial methods in vertex algebra theory, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation, HRZZ
• 2015-2020 member of Scientific centre of excellence QuantiXLie
• 2009-2011 Principal investigator (with. G. Bohm) of Croatian-Hungarian project Algebraic methods in mathematical physics
• 2013-2014, 2016 Principal investigator of two grants of University of Zagreb
• 1998-2003 Principal investigator of grant Vertex-algebras for young scientists, MZOS


Dražen Adamović received a PhD in mathematics from the University of Zagreb in 1996. He has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Zagreb in 2002, and to the rank of Full Professor in 2007. His main fields of research are the theory of vertex algebras and the representation theory of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. He published 44 research papers. He was invited speaker on international conferences in Notre Dame, Banff, Beijing, Chengdu, Galway, Pisa, Chenai, Allahabad, Bangalore, Sendai, Vienna, New Orleans and others. He is a member of Croatian Mathematical Society and American Mathematical Society. He is Managing Editor of the scientific journal “Glasnik matematički” and member of editorial boards of j “European Journal of Mathematics”, “Central European Journal of Mathematics” and “Mathematical Communications”. He is one of the organizers of five confererences on Representation Theory in Dubrovnik.